Sam was conducted by DJJS Bengaluru on 17th Jan 2013 at Ravindra Kalakshetra from 4 to 6 pm. The theme of the event was ‘Learn the cure for more(conquering desires).Classical dance devoted to Lord Shiva Lord Shiva was presented by a SAM volunteer. Hilarious Comedy on Ravan was presented by Gorav and Kapil. Eternal Splendour troupe members were presented a soul stirring skit on values of Shri Ram.  The skit was followed by the a lecture by DJJS Preacher Sushri Ritu Bharti Ji. After the lecture, the Eternal Bliss Dance Troupe was called upon stage. A theme based dance was presented before the audience. Hyderabad Eternal Bliss performed again for SAM Workshops. It was a band of 5 members with variety of musical instruments.